Austen Class

Year 2 & 3 - Miss Moore

Welcome to Austen Class - Jane Austen is an inspirational writer and his written many books that are timeless classics. In class we have begun reading a children’s version of Pride and Prejudice. We have chosen this book to read as our whole class read as it is arguably her most famous work and it also has links to Derbyshire. Reading and writing are some of the most important skills and we hope that through having an author as our class name that we can inspire these skills to develop. With so many great Jane Austen books who knows what we will read next …..

Summer Term 1

We have had a very busy start to the summer term in Austen class. 

We started off the term with a visit from Derbyshire county council who came to talk to us about road safety. We talked about all the ways we can keep safe while crossing roads and the different types of crossings. 

Austen class also had to opportunity to take part in the music day. Throughout the day they moved through the school exploring the different elements of music such as listening and composing. 

Our in class music has also continued this term. With Mr Robinson we have been learning some new songs and continuing with our musical terminology for tempo and dynamics. 

We also had a lot of fun learning about finding tales and then writing our own. We began by reading The Tunnel by Anthony Browne and then we spent time unpicking the story and the illustrations in the book. After looking at all the features of a finding tale we planned and wrote our own finding tales. We also had the opportunity to illustrate our stories. 

Spring Term 2

In geography this half term we have been looking at wonderful weather and how we can measure the weather in different ways. We have explored cloud coverage, temperature, wind speed and direction and rain fall. We also thought about why we have weather forecasts and what they can be used for. 

In science this half term we have been looking at plants. We have explored how a plant grows from a seed and then how it continues through its lifecycle. We undertook our own experiments to witness first-hand how seeds and plants grow in different conditions. We even compared whether normal tap water or Buxton Water would help the cress grow more. 

Spring Term 1

Our history topic for this half term has been Queen Victoria. We have looked at her life and how she became queen. We have also looked at a law that she passed meaning that children had to go to school. We transported ourselves back to a Victorian classroom and looked at what it would have been like to go to school in the Victorian Era. Here we were demonstrating that because there would have been so many children in a classroom they would have had to share two or three chairs between five children! 

We had an exciting opportunity this half term in maths as we had a problem solving workshop where the children’s problem solving skills were put to the test and they did amazingly! 

In PE this half term we have been looking at gymnastics. We have started with travelling and how this can be done in many ways and in lots of different directions. 

Enrichment Week 2024 - Wow! What an amazing week we had! We had science workshops, forest school adventures and trips! We visited The Buxton Crescent Experience, The Tara International Kadampa Retreat (Buddhist) Centre and the Manchester Science Museum. The children and staff all had a wonderful week and learned lots along the way. Please scroll through the photos below to see what we got up to.

Autumn Term 2

In PE this half term we have been looking at basketball and developing our ball control skills. 

In English we looked at different types of poetry including shape poems and rhyming poems. This is a poem that we wrote as a class focusing on rhyme. 

Our Science topic for this half term has been everyday materials. We have looked at different types of materials and how we can use scientific language to describe them.

We conducted an experiment to see how we can change the shape of different materials by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching them

We made some amazing boat sculptures in D&T this half term. We looked at the British sculptor Hew Locke and took inspiration from his mixed media boats to create our own. 

Autumn Term 1

We have had a great first half term in Austen Class.

Our Year 3 children had the opportunity to go to the Brailsford Ploughing Match with the rest of Key Stage 2. This was a great trip out and allowed the children to see some of the different aspects of farming which is a great link to the area of Derbyshire we live in with many of our families coming from farming communities.

We have also had the opportunity to go to the forest for Forest School which gave the children a chance to explore and have fun outside of the classroom.

Our class trip to Crich Tramway Museum with Peake Class was an exciting day and we were able to see trams that link to our DT and History work. The children learnt about how trams have evolved over time with new advancements in engineering and how these modes of transport fit into history. 

We have also had some exciting music opportunities this half term. Mrs Robinson from Derby Cathedral has been coming in once a week to teach us some new songs to sing, develop our listening skills and expand our musical vocabulary. 

Our Year 3’s are also undertaking weekly flute lessons which are going brilliantly so far.