
Exciting News from Our Gardeners! 🌱

Thanks to the funds raised through the sponsored daily mile, our gardeners have been busy transforming our green spaces. We're thrilled to share that the youngest members of our gardening team have been especially active and enthusiastic.

Check out these wonderful photos of their efforts:

Planting New Flowers: Our little gardeners have been planting a variety of colorful flowers, bringing vibrant life to our garden beds.

Vegetable Patch: They've also revamped our vegetable patch, learning about where our food comes from and the joy of growing their own veggies.

We are incredibly proud of their hard work and dedication. The joy and pride they take in nurturing the plants and learning about nature are evident in their smiles.

Stay tuned for more updates on our gardening adventures! 🌸🥕🦋

Sports Day June 2024

Attenborough Class Sleepover - As a reward for reaching their Class Dojo points award, the children requested a sleepover in their classroom, so this was arrange for the last day of Spring Term. Everybody went home after school and returned later in the evening to watch a movie, eat popcorn and have a story before bedtime. It was quite a squeeze to fit everyone in - in fact there wasn't room for Mrs J, who slept in the corridor! Everyone eventually managed a good nights sleep and they even had time to enjoy having the playground to themselves after breakfast, before being collected by their parents.

Year 6 Residential May 2024

Day 1 - Arrived at Tile Barn Outdoor Centre, near Southampton.  All settled into their tents and had a lovely time playing in the sunshine before a BBQ for tea. The children were all settled in their tents for bedtime and had the most settled first night of any residential trip that Miss Stone has known!

Day 2 - After a great night everyone was up bright and early for breakfast before travelling to Winchester to visit the Science Museum. The children all had a great time with lots to have a go at, including a sound workshop and astronaut training.

Day 3 - Bacon butties for breakfast before heading to the train station to travel to the Isle of Wight for the day. A short train ride, then onto the ferry and finally a bus to the beach. Lots of fun was had in the sand dunes, and everyone enjoyed chips and ice cream before starting the journey back. Back at the campsite there was a picnic tea and playing games until bedtime.

Day 4 - Was spent on site. The children had a fantastic day having a go at Archery and climbing, the Tile Barn staff guided them all through the activites.

Day 5 - The final day of residential adventures! After breakfast everybody packed their bags and jumped on the coach to head to Cadbury World before embarking on the final leg of their journey home! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the tour - especially sampling the chocolate! They even got to have a go at making chocolate as they would have done in the Victorian Era.

We have a wide range of activities available at break times and lunch time to encourage both creative and active play.

ACE Play Activities.pdf
MUGA Activities.pdf

Enrichment Week 2024

Wow! What an amazing week we had! We had science workshops, forest school adventures and LOTS of trips! We visited The Buxton Crescent Experience, The Tara International Kadampa Retreat (Buddhist) Centre, The National Arboretum, The Peak Mining Museum, Conkers and the Manchester Science Museum - PHEW!. The children and staff all had a wonderful week and learned lots along the way. Please scroll through the photos below to see what we got up to.


The National Arboretum

The Buxton Crescent Experience

Science Workshops

The Tara International Kadampa Retreat (Buddhist Centre)

Manchester Science Museum

Peak Mining Museum

Forest School Activities

Sarah Dines MP has invited our pupils to take part in a competition to design a poster.

A local company - The Problem Solving Company recently came in to do maths problem solving workshops with each class. All if the children were engaged and enthused throughout and we saw a lot of amazing team work!

Representatives from Derby Cathedral have been coming in to school and working with Austen Class and the after school choir, they put on a concert for their parents and the whole school.

Choir 1.MOV
Choir 4.MOV
Choir 2.MOV
Choir 3.MOV

The Key Stage 1 children from both Bradley and Brailsford Schools got together for a magic show and disco provided by The Big Little Theatre Company, funded by our fantastic PTFA. The KS2 children headed off to Derby to enjoy a performance of Cinderella.

Material Girls

Our Rock Steady Music School Superstars put on a fantastic concert for their parents and the whole school, showcasing their talents, its great to see the progress they are all making.

Star Destroyers

The Cool Catz

The Black Panters

Junior Disco - The PTFA organised a fantastic disco for years 3 to 6. DJ Gazza kept the children thoroughly entertained and a great time was had by all.

Children in Need 2023

We all went spotty for Pudsey today and enjoyed some fun activities including creating a big Pudsey mosaic out of pennies and taking on Joe Wicks's challenge of 30 'Bearpees'! We raised a fabulous ÂŁ201.45.

Ploughing Match Success - Our Key Stage 2 children attended the annual Brailsford Ploughing Match which gave us the opportunity to encourage the children to appreciate and embrace the cultural diversity of the wider community, which forms part of our Mission Statement. 

The trip also enabled the children to learn all about our local heritage, to develop an understanding of the farming industry and to see a variety of crafts and bakes for competitions. We had lots of success in the competitions including winning the 'Infant Cup' for the most points scored by a school - Well Done Everyone!

EYFS 'Picture On A Plate'

1st Place - Nellie 2nd Place - Inger

3rd Place - Chloe 4th Place - Alice

The 'Infant Cup'

Awarded to the school with the most points scored.

Key Stage 1 'Under The Sea'

2nd Place - Alice

Key Stage 2 'Poem'

2nd Place - Josh

3rd Place - Gabby

4th Place - Susanna

Open Class 'Design a Book Cover'

1st Place - Sylvia 2nd Place - Erin

       3rd Place - Mia       4th Place - Iris

Our Sports Day was a huge success, the children had a fantastic time, the weather was lovely and everyone got involved - including the parents and teachers. 

Healthy Living Week. Our friends from Bradley joined us for a day and we enjoyed lots of activities while learning about healthy habits, from taking care of our teeth to food preparation and tasting, dance classes, fun with our giant parachute and an inflatable obstacle course. Here are just a few photos of some of our activities. What a great week we all had!  

Science in the Woods - Peak class enjoying team building games, learning about the parts of a plant and taking part in Hapa Zome (leaf dye printing). 

Pankhurst class had a great maths lesson recently. Measuring angles, they measured angles on the table (made from masking tape) using protractors. Their favourite part was being able to write angles on the table with some very special pens! 🌟🎨 

The children in Donaldson Class enjoyed making Union Jack flags from fruit - they declared them to be delicious. What a great way to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III!

The children in Peake Class enjoyed practicing their Tri Golf skills in the sunshine.

For World Book day we followed a character, Mabel who does not like books. Never. Ever. The end! Throughout the day we had lots of activities to develop our love of reading, enjoyed our favourite stories and were even introduced to some new ones so that Mabel could go on lots of never-ending adventures, still dressed in her pyjamas! 

To help her along the way, this year we asked the children to come dressed in their comfy pyjamas, lounge wear, onesies etc...  so that we could settle down with a hot chocolate and a great story.

We had a fantastic turn out for our Christmas Fair, the PTFA did a wonderful job organising lots of great stalls and activities. 

Mrs Latham's music club put on a fabulous performance to entertain everyone and we had a very special visitor from the North Pole!

Christmas Dinner Day 2022

Julie and Nicola in the kitchen produced a delicious lunch that staff and pupils all really enjoyed.

Our infants had a fantastic Christmas party thanks to our wonderful PTFA and the Big Little Theatre Company

Peake Class showing off their Pudsey crafts as park of Wear Spots for Children in Need Day

Some of Panhurst Class took part in a tag rugby tournament at QEGS, winning 3 out of 5 matches played.

Parachute fun in PE - the children had lots of fun problem solving and showing good teamwork.

Peak Class went out into the woods and created wonderful artwork with natural materials that they found on the ground.

As a Federation we entered 2 teams in to the QEGS first primary event of the year. 

Some of our Year 3 and 4 children took part in a football festival and achieved fantastic results with Team A coming 2nd in League A on goal difference, and Team B coming 1st in League B. 

All involved had a brilliant time and we look forward to the next event. 

Nursery and Reception children made huge progress with their cycling skills with fantastic help from the Big on Bikes team.

Attenborough Class recently spent the morning at Pizza Express, Derby where they learned all about food preparation. They had a go at making their own pizzas, which provided a tasty snack back at school.

STEM Week was lots of fun, our children took part in a wide range of activities throughout the week.


Our children from Pankhurst Class and the key stage 2 children from Bradley were invited to an event at the Veledrome Derby Arena to play alongside The Halle, an English Symphony Orchestra based in Manchester.


We had a lovely day celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Our wonderful catering team provided a fantastic lunch, and we were joined by some older local residents who were able to share their memories of the Queen's Coronation with us. One resident had such a great time she wrote a lovely letter to thank everyone involved See below).

Attenborough and Pankhurst classes had a wonderful time at Thinktank Birmingham Museum as part of their Science topic.

Rowling Class had a lovely trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park as part of their 'Animal Allsorts' topic

Fundraising Friday for Comic Relief and the Ukraine Crisis Appeal

A beautiful day to enjoy some of our lovely outdoor space

The Woodland Trust donated 50 young trees as part of their two nationwide tree planting projects, The Queens Green Canopy and The Big Climate Fightback, the trees have been planted in the school grounds