School Uniform
Branded uniform with embroidered school logo can be ordered from our uniform supplier, R Silcock Ltd of Ashbourne, by emailing ( or returning the form below to the School Office. Payment for uniform is made through Arbor.
R Silcock Ltd aim to turn around orders in 2-3 weeks, the current price list is shown at the bottom of this page.
Unbranded uniform items purchased elsewhere also may be worn. We also have a range of donated used uniform items available free of charge, please visit our reception area to view.
Pupils should wear our school uniform every day, unless it is a PE or Forest schools day. Jewellery, other than small stud earrings, is strictly not permitted - pupils must be able to remove earrings by themselves for PE, or microporous tape must be provided to cover earrings.
Pupils may wear a wristwatch, but this is at their own risk if it gets lost or damaged and smart watches that have a camera function must not be brought into school. Make-up, including nail polish is strictly not permitted. Long hair must be tied back.
ALL clothing and equipment MUST be named clearly in a way that can be read by anyone. All children’s things look very similar, and we are unable to distinguish them, even if the child can.
Mobile phones and other electronic equipment are strictly not allowed in school.
School Uniform
Red sweat-shirt or cardigan
White shirt, blouse or polo-shirt
Grey pinafore dress /skirt/ trousers / shorts
Grey or white socks OR
Black, grey or red plain tights. Not brightly coloured or patterned.
Black, suitable, sensible shoes, not trainers. (Shoes should fasten and be suitable for walking, running etc)
In summer a red and white checked dress may be worn
Children come to school on PE days in their PE kit. This comprises of the following essential items:-
School PE or plain white tee-shirt
Black plain shorts
Black pumps (lace-up or elasticated)
If tights are worn a pair of socks will also be needed; tights are not allowed for PE.