Little Einstein Class

Nursery - Mrs Cossey

In Einstein Class we absolutely love learning and exploring, we enjoy all areas of the curriculum especially when we can get stuck in and get our hands dirty.  As Little Einstein's we love to investigate and have a 'try and try again' approach to everything we do just like Albert Einstein himself.   Einstein once said 'Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.  The important thing is not to stop questioning.'  This is what we use as our moto in Little Einstein's Class to help us develop as individuals and be school ready.

Mr Einstein himself welcomes you to the Little Einstein's Class area.

Little Einstein MTP Aut 1 - to go home.docx.pdf

Little Einstein Medium Term Plan for Autumn Term 1

Enrichment Week 2024 - Wow! What an amazing week we had! We joined Donaldson Class for science workshops, forest school adventures and we visited The Tara International Kadampa Retreat (Buddhist) Centre and ConkersThe children and staff all had a wonderful week and learned lots along the way. Please scroll through the photos below to see what we got up to.

Our room dividers have had a makeover - can you spot characters from your favourite childhood stories?

Junk Modelling in Nursery 

We have been learning all about space transport and have had a go at using the junk modelling materials to create rockets, spaceships and even a tractor modified to go to space! 

Mark Making

We have been squiggling and wiggling this week to improve our mark making,  we love using the hall and this large paper to mark make. 

We loved creating firework toast for our science experiment today, we carefully transferred the milk and food colouring onto the bread. We made beautiful patterns and enjoyed seeing the colours all mix together to make new ones. 

Off to the forest we go ..... 

It was very wet and muddy in the forest but this didn't stop us we went on a new adventure to see the tractors ploughing the fields.  The farmers waved as they drove past ... what a great experience - we LOVED it! 

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble ..... 

We had such a brilliant time investigating with potions - we watched as they bubbled over, making predictions as to what would happen when we added certain ingredients.  We then had a go at making potions of our own. Little Einsteins in the making....

Little Einstein Class  enjoying their new classroom and outdoor space!

We've made a great start to the new school year in our new classroom.  We are loving our outdoor space too - Look how much fun we are having! 

Nursery have absolutely loved their weekly trips to the forest. We started by investigating the forest and what it has there.  We collected a variety of natural materials and started to understand how to look after forest and be safe when we are learning here.  We played a game of hide the ladybird, we looked for minibeasts and we even found a den!