Peake Class

Year 1 - Mrs Burton & Mrs Latham

Our mixed Year 1 and 2 class is named after Tim Peake. In 2016, while on a mission to the International Space Station, he became the first official British astronaut to walk in space and has inspired millions with his passion. Taking this as our inspiration we want the children to become passionate in their first steps in their learning in Key Stage 1. 

Peake Aut 1.pdf

Summer Term 1

Healthy Living was our topic this term. 

In science we considered how to keep ourselves healthy, including the food we eat.

In art we learnt about 'printing'. We experimented with paints (and mud during Forest School) and produced our own repeating patterns.

We experienced different elements of the Jewish faith in our RE lessons. We had fun making our own Shabbat bread  and eating it!

Our history topic taught the children the good work Mary Nightingale and Mary Seacole did for society. We learnt about Mary's links to Derbyshire and how she is still celebrated. 

The whole Federation joined together for a Music day, where the children had lots of changes to experience different types of music from singing, looked at and listened to a range of orchestral instruments and further developed their musical knowledge.

Spring Term 

In Peake class our topic, ‘Our Wonderful World’, has been inspiring. Not only have we learnt about rainforests, in which continent they are located, the animals that live there and how those animals are facing the danger of extinction, we have also used our local area, during Enrichment Week, to help us understand habitats, sort living, never lived and once lived objects and understand how plants and animals connect with each other as part of the web of life.  

Through Geography we have studied our local weather and how it is different in other parts of the world. In Art and Design we have made bird sculptures inspired by local artist Sarah Yates, as well as designing and making bridges in the classroom and in the forest.   

In RE we have started to learn about the Islamic faith and then the Christian Easter story and we participated in the whole school Easter Service. We have been learning about writing instructions carefully to improve our coding skills. 

In Music we have used body percussion and learnt that music can have different textures, making it more interesting. 

In PE the children have enjoyed performing sequences on the apparatus, developing skills in football and tennis.   

During Book week we read poems and a story by Joseph Coelho in the forest and brought in our favourite books to share with our friends.  

Enrichment Week 2024 - Wow! What an amazing week we had! We had science workshops, forest school adventures and we visited Conkers. Unfortunately our trip to Carsington Water had to be cancelled due to poor weather conditions, but the children and staff all had a wonderful week and learned lots along the way. Please scroll through the photos below to see what we got up to.

Autumn Term 2

Peake Class started the term learning about primary, secondary and tertiary colours, tones and hot and cold colours in Art and Design. We used this knowledge to help us to create rangoli patterns in paint and in the forest, using natural materials. In Geography we have learnt the four points of a compass and how to draw and follow maps. We consolidated this knowledge by using it to direct others around the school grounds and honed these skills in our orienteering PE lessons. We have also continued our gymnastics work and put together a sequence involving a movement, roll and a balance, working on our own and with a partner.

We have learnt about the importance of keeping ourselves and our personal information safe on computers, as well as knowing what to do if we feel we are cyberbullied. Through our PSHE work we have thought carefully about ‘what makes us special’. 

In Music we have enjoyed composing and looking at how composers communicate stories through music. We enjoyed learning our song “The Magical Travel Machine” and talked about the different parts of a song, including the intro, verse, chorus and outro.

In RE we have learnt about the bible story of Christmas which has helped us in our drama lessons, alongside Austen class, to put on a Christmas production for our parents called ‘Woolley’. We have also enjoyed a Christmas party and disco, provided for us by the PTFA.

Autumn Term 1

The children have embraced our busy first term in Peake class. 

Alongside our daily English, Phonics and Maths lessons, our topic ‘Ticket to Ride’ has allowed the children to learn about what happened to the Titanic and about the people who were onboard. 

In science we’ve learnt to describe the physical properties of different materials, performing simple scientific experiments to test which material is most suitable for a raincoat. 

Our visit to Crich Tramway Museum meant we could discover the history of trams and we even got to ride them! Following this, we learnt how wheels, axles and chassis are used in different types of transports and we designed and made our own vehicles. 

Our RE work has considered how Christians show their belief in God and in PE we have looked at developing our golf skills and different ways of moving, putting together a movement, pathway and balance. 

In our Music lessons we have learnt a variety of songs, clapped the pulse to different pieces of music, learnt about the difference between pulse and rhythm. We have used some of these skills composing music digitally in our computer lessons. 

We have also managed a few sessions at Forest School where we have thought about the seasons and used the natural materials to have fun.