Our Church School
Our Church School
At the Dales Federation, our aim, mission and vision is for 'Happy, Successful Children'. The information and links on our website explain how and why we will achieve this. We are proudly a Church of England school. Our Christian foundation reminds us that the school is here to serve all children, their families and community, regardless of their religion, beliefs and faith – all are welcome. We teach children about a wide range of religions, including Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism, but it is our Christian foundation on which the school vision and mission are built. We use the teachings of Jesus as models for how we should live, care and respond to each other. We celebrate His birth and reflect on the sacrifice of his death. We warmly welcome all children and their families, especially those who face challenging circumstances and we aim to enable all to flourish as we strive to offer our children, parents and staff, ‘life in all its fullness’ (John, 10:10)
At the Dales Federation, our aim, mission and vision is for 'Happy, Successful Children'. The information and links on our website explain how and why we will achieve this. We are proudly a Church of England school. Our Christian foundation reminds us that the school is here to serve all children, their families and community, regardless of their religion, beliefs and faith – all are welcome. We teach children about a wide range of religions, including Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism, but it is our Christian foundation on which the school vision and mission are built. We use the teachings of Jesus as models for how we should live, care and respond to each other. We celebrate His birth and reflect on the sacrifice of his death. We warmly welcome all children and their families, especially those who face challenging circumstances and we aim to enable all to flourish as we strive to offer our children, parents and staff, ‘life in all its fullness’ (John, 10:10)
Church School Poster.pdf
Church Letter.pdf
A group of our children performed some songs at the official unveiling of the "Brailsford Bayeux" at All Saints Church, Brailsford and received this lovely letter of thanks from the Churchwardens and PCC.
A group of our children performed some songs at the official unveiling of the "Brailsford Bayeux" at All Saints Church, Brailsford and received this lovely letter of thanks from the Churchwardens and PCC.
Two of our year 6 children wrote a lovely article about the school for The Parish Paper for Brailsford & Ednaston recently
Two of our year 6 children wrote a lovely article about the school for The Parish Paper for Brailsford & Ednaston recently