Brailsford PTFA

Welcome to Brailsford Parents, Teachers, Friends Association

In previous years the PTFA have organised Family Easter Bingo, Summer Fairs, Christmas Events, Bonfire Night Events, Fashion Shows, Raffles, Christmas Cards, Secret Santa, and other fundraising and fun events.

PTFA funds have been used to pay for the sunshades on the playground, sewing machines, Lego club resources, rugs, cushions, theme days, buses and ice lollies for theatre trips and much more.

During the pandemic, we have been unable to raise any funds in our usual ways, and have tried to support families by not asking for money. We hope that you appreciate this approach in these difficult times.

Using funds previously raised, PTFA have paid for:

A Christmas treat box and selection pack for every child

All the Secret Santa presents and wrappings

An Easter Egg for every child

Theme days for Key Stage 1&2

We are hopeful that in the Autumn term, we will be able to resume some of the exciting activities that the children enjoy, and that families can support where they are able.

We are now looking for new parents, carers, friends, to join us. Details of upcoming meetings/events will be circulated on newsletters. Any questions, please make contact through the school office.

September 2024